
Colchester Hackney Carriages operate 3 Tariffs or Rates:

Rate 1: All vehicles carrying up to 4 passengers between 06.00 hrs and 22.00 hrs (Mon-Sat)

Rate 2: All vehicles carrying up to 4 passengers between 22.00 hrs and 06.00 hrs Mondays to Saturdays and all Sundays, Public & Bank holidays and after 18.00 hrs on Christmas & New Years Eve; or when in the case of a multi-seater vehicle it is required to carry in excess of 4 passengers or a greater amount of luggage than can be conveyed in a vehicle Licensed to carry up to 4 passengers, between 06.00 hrs and 22.00 hrs (Mon-Sat).

Rate 3: Between 22.00 hrs until 06.00 hrs Mondays to Saturdays and on all Sundays, Public & Bank holidays, and after 18.00 hrs on Christmas & New Years Eve, when in the case of a multi-seater vehicle it is required to carry in excess of 4 passengers or a greater amount of luggage than can be conveyed in a vehicle Licensed to carry up to 4 passengers.

Rate 1 is the base rate

Rate 2 is the base rate + 1/3

Rate 3 is Rate 2 + 1/3

Further information on the taxi tariffs can be found on Colchester Borough Councils website.

Hopefully you will never find yourself in the position to need to make a complaint, but if you feel that you need to make a complaint regarding a taxi driver please use this online form to contact Colchester Borough Council, who will investigate it for you.